Open Professionals Education Network
Open Professionals Education Network (OPEN), funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, was created to provide free support and technical assistance to all grantees of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College & Career Training (TAACCCT) grant program from the U.S. Department of Labor. OPEN is funded for three years to coincide with the first wave of the TAACCCT grant.
For more information about TAACCCT or OPEN, please visit their websites: TAACCCT | OPEN
OPEN will help TAACCCT grantees meet the provisions laid out in the solicitation for grant applications, including the CC BY open licensing requirement. Services will be provided by the following organizations, which have individual but complementary areas of expertise in openness and the design of educational resources:
- Creative Commons (CC)
- Carnegie Mellon’s Open Learning Initiative (OLI)
- The Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
- Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
OPEN Services that OLI Provides
- Support for Learning Design and Accessibility
- Resources and technical assistance from OLI and CAST will support you in implementing OLI learning guidelines, the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework and techniques and technologies to ensure that all of the digital content and learning environments developed in this project succeed with the widest range of learners possible.
OLI brings expertise in applying results from the learning sciences to the design, implementation, evaluation and continuous improvement of open web-based learning environments. CAST, the research and development organization that pioneered UDL brings expertise, technical support and enabling technologies.
Available to all grantees.
A limited number of participants will be selected for these more collaborative projects:
- Platform +
- The OLI platform, enhanced by Universal Design for Learning principles, enables instructional designs that embed practice and assessment throughout the course and provide a complete, supported learning experience. The system captures data on student interactions and uses this data to provide meaningful feedback to the learner, the instructor, and the course designer.
Platform+ projects will receive technical training on the OLI platform, project space for development, course hosting, and access to all learning data and reports.
Available to 25 grantees. - Co-Development
- For this more intensive collaboration, OLI will lead teams composed of multiple subject matter experts, CAST experts, course developers, learning scientists, HCI experts and software engineers to develop and deliver open educational resources (OER) in accordance with current learning research.
Grantees from different projects in the same domain will be invited to collaborate on a single development team to create an OER that serves all projects.
Available to 3 cross-project teams.